Saturday, April 20, 2024

Making Periods Easier for Women: It’s Doable

Is it possible to make periods easier for women? More specifically, is it possible for men to make periods easier? This is the question that is being pondered in Hijabi Ninja’s new video, Verse 8: Making periods Easier. Divided into two parts ‘His Version’ and ‘Her Version’, Hijabi Ninja asks men what all they can do for all the women in their lives when they are on their periods to make it easier for them. While some were clueless, there popped up very interesting answers.

Watch His Version here:

In Her Version, the women talk about what all they desire and what they expect from a man in their life to do for them while they are on their periods. And most of the answers dear men, are pretty simple.

Watch Her Version here:

In the end, what we can take away from all this is that it is possible to make periods easier if men understood periods and the various symptoms the women around them have. But to understand the same, women need to open up about their periods and talk about it. Understanding only comes with communication.


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