Sunday, April 28, 2024

Google launches Bard AI chatbot, pledges to develop it ethically

(Report generated by Bard)

Google announced the launch of its Artificial Intelligence chatbot Bard on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The chatbot is built on Google’s large language model, PaLM2, and can provide information, write code, translate languages, and analyze images.

In a presentation at the company’s annual I/O conference, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that Bard is “still under development,” but that it has the potential to be “a powerful tool for learning, creativity, and productivity.”

Pichai also pledged to develop Bard ethically, saying that the company is “committed to ensuring that AI is used for good.” He said that Google will work with researchers and policymakers to develop guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI.

In addition to Bard, Google also announced a number of other AI tools at the I/O conference. These include:

  • LaMDA 2: A new language model that can generate more realistic and informative text than previous models.
  • Pathways: A new AI framework that can be used to build more complex and powerful AI systems.
  • TPUv4: A new generation of Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) that are designed to accelerate the training and deployment of AI models.

Google’s AI announcements come at a time when the technology is facing increasing scrutiny from regulators and policymakers. Some critics have raised concerns about the potential for AI to be used for harmful purposes, such as spreading misinformation or creating autonomous weapons.

Google’s pledges to develop Bard ethically and to work with researchers and policymakers to develop guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI are a positive step. However, it remains to be seen whether these pledges will be enough to address the concerns that have been raised about AI.


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